The National Museum rebuilding has the support from the institutions related to the Museu Nacional Vive Project and several others, both national and international, which have been collaborating with financial and technical resources since the tragic fire occurred on September 2, 2018.
Among the partner institutions, it is the German Government, which has already contributed some 4 million reais, resources that have enabled several important activities for the collection recovery – one of them being the reintegration of Luzia, Brazil’s oldest human fossil. The National Museum also received financial support from the governments of France and Portugal; and the British Council. In addition, the Goethe-Institut has offered important technical support, favoring dialogue between the National Museum and various museum institutions in the Americas and Europe, which will culminate in a Museum International Conference, organized in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government, aiming at discussing topics relevant to Natural History museums.
The Project is supported by an Institutional Committee, formed by public and private, national and international institutions that can monitor and contribute to its implementation. An integral part of the governance structure, this Committee is currently composed of the following institutions, which have contributed to the institutional strengthening of the Project: Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), Câmara Comunitária de São Cristóvão, International Council of Museums – ICOM, Goethe-Institut, German Government, Ministry of Education (MEC) and Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), in addition to UFRJ, UNESCO, Vale Cultural Institute and BNDES.
Institutions interested in participating in this great mobilization and contributing to the National Museum rebuilding can get in touch by email